Chero Piping S.p.a.

Assurance systems

Assurance Systems

Chero Piping has been authorized to manufacture its products in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU – Annex 1 §4.3.

All the activities related to the Chero Piping manufacturing process are covered by a quality guarantee program which has been assessed and qualified in accordance with the following regulations:

We believe in:
Strong and Sustainable safety leadership
Continually Raising Standards to improve our Health and Safety performances
Effective Management Integrity

Chero Piping is a Company with strong values of responsibility and integrity. Our Company is committed to the highest standards of honest and ethical behaviour in carrying out its worldwide business activities. The Company strives to comply with its Ethical Code, its Compliance Policies (including but not limited to its Antibribery & Anti-Corruption Policies) and applicable laws in all of its activities and operations on world-class basis. The Company relies on the good judgment and high standards of its directors, officers and employees as the principal guide to Ethical conduct to that respect. Since 2019 the Organization model and related procedures in compliance with DLgs 231/01 were adopted and implemented as well as an independent ODV appointed to monitor and certify the model adoption and secure a permanent observatory of the model implementation and enhancement phases.
Anyone in the Company is strongly recommended to take benefit of the whistleblowing system in order to anonymously inform the ODV (the external audit committee) about any practice of behaviour they might spot in the management of the business and get investigations undertaken at both process and personal level.